Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trouble in Paradise

This town is breaking up, on a joy-ride.
Rifts and sorrow, cracks the world inside.
The souls keep tugging on the chains of thought.
As free will decays, and perception rots.
The bands play a tone of misery.
We point to ourselves, and I point at me.
What was the sole reason, for faith to break?
Was it all planned out, or a just bad mistake?

The sky is set alight by a sudden flare.
Strangers flying by, can't help stop and stare.
While all we ever fought for, was liberty.
Didn't know we're bearing torches of anarchy.

Down a pint of nostalgia,
'Cause the seams have come undone,
The seams have come undone...
As a Dreamland floating in the sky,
Has been deserted, and abandoned.
And now; it's crashed and burnt.

Drain all your feelings,
Because, the pain has just begun.
The pain has just  begun.
As a Dreamland floating in the sky,
Was deserted and abandoned.
And now; it's crashed and burnt.
. . .

Clinging to horizons graft in sight and sound,
While screams of joy filter underground.
Now, all I want to do, is think this world into dust,
Our faith keeps on leaking, but it's covered in rust.
One king is gone astray, while two stay back,
Prayers of doubt fill the swelling cracks.
And right before our eyes, trees turn into stone,
Is this end, the beginning of us walking alone?

The ground shakes alive, in circumvention,
We all sing in silence for an intervention.
Coz we never really thought that we'd come so far,
The blemish, now turned into a burning scar.

Down a pint of nostalgia,
'Cause the seams have come undone,
The seams have come undone...
As a Dreamland floating in the sky,
Has been deserted, and abandoned.
And now; it's crashed and burnt.

Drain all your feelings,
Because, the pain has just begun.
The pain has just  begun.
As a Dreamland floating in the sky,
Was deserted and abandoned.
And now; it's crashed and burnt.
. . .

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