Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ah, whatever. (Stop-start)

Wrote this song in 7 minutes tops, and I don't know what it's turned out to be.
Kind of a mismash of feelings, it flowed spontaneously out of the system, really.
Hope you enjoy it.


Stop dead, and I'm loose,
Treading as I snooze,
My destination is too far away.
Resting one last time,
The feeling's so sublime,
Like gelatin in my brain...

A sullen sensation,
Has been building up so long,
I get the feeling, I should yell.
I'm so sick and tired,
And I'm screaming half this song.
It's gonna find its way to hell...

This road's left me to rot,
On this infinity knot.
Where life's an iterating anecdote.
Fearing the unseen,
Chasing blurring dreams,
I'm not sure which one way, I should go...

I've been away right now,
For time frames just too long,
Got a lot to hear and a lot to tell.
Circumstances make me,
Whine out half this song.
It's gonna find it's way to hell...

Ideas in my head,
Burn in my eyes, instead;
Memories add fuel to the flames.
Heart's on overdrive,
But seem so calm outside,
Searching out a detour for blame.

Been swimming in quicksand,
And I'm floating along...
With a thousand notions, to dispel.
My soul's asphyxating;
I'm panting through the song.
It's time to wake up and rebel...

Gonna stop whining now,
'Bout what has done me wrong.
Though its ringing in my head, like a bell.
I think about my road ahead,
And I forget half the song.
It's gonna find its way to hell...
(to hell)

that's me in khajjiar. :)


  1. Spontaneous thngs r usually bettr than the 1s that r composed aftr a lot of thinking & planning..........
    Such thngs bring readers directly in2 the writer's heart.......
    Good job !!!!!!! :-D


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